Wrap Up of the LGF 28-Day Beach-Ready Butt & Legs Challenge



28 days.
960 squats.
940 bridges.
1,720 lunges.
384 burpees.
3mins 20secs high knees.
3mins 20secs wall sit.



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LGF 28-Day Beach-Ready Butt & Legs Challenge – FINAL WEEK

Legs & Butt Challenge - wk 4

Welcome to the final week of the LGF 28-Day Butt & Legs Challenge! You’ve been squatting, lunging, bridging and burpee-ing yourself silly, but it’s not over yet! With one week to go, you should be starting to feel the burn, but even more excitingly, you should also be starting to really feel (and see) the difference!

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LGF 28-Day Beach-Ready Butt & Legs Challenge – Week 3


Congratulations – you’re officially halfway through the 28-Day Beach-Ready Butt & Legs Challenge! By now you should be starting to really see and feel the difference, so keep it up!

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LGF 28-Day Beach-Ready Butt & Legs Challenge – Week 2


Week 2 of the 28-Day Beach-Ready has arrived, and while it’s predominantly running via Facebook, I will be posting it here on the blog as well to ensure that noone can escape! Plus, I’m adding a new exercise this week (the ‘wall sit’) and I want to make sure you do it correctly!

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LGF 28-Day Beach-Ready Butt & Legs Challenge – Starts Today

The glorious heatwave that’s been sweeping the east coast of Australia over the past week has alerted me to the fact that summer is well and truly on its way. And while you all know that I am a huge advocate of maintaining a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle all year round, I’m also pretty sure that it can’t hurt to put in a little extra effort come swimsuit season.

Enter, the 28-Day LGF Beach-Ready Butt & Legs Challenge! Designed for everybody – from the beginner right through to the hardcore gym-bunny – this challenge is sure to have you strutting your stuff with confidence this summer. Now, onto the challenge itself:

legs.butt.challenge - wk1

It’s designed to be adaptable for all levels of experience/age etc. so there are different ‘levels’ of certain exercises that you can choose to do. Let me explain:

Choose either the squat, squat jump or weighted squat, depending on your experience, confidence in your form, knee issues etc.
If you are unsure, I suggest sticking with regular squats until you can consult with a professional.
Pro tip: Keep your weight through your heels and at the bottom of the squat ensure your knees do not go past your toes.

Choose either the forward lunge or lunge jump, again depending on your experience, confidence in your form, knee issues etc.
If you are unsure, I suggest sticking with regular squats until you can consult with a professional
Each leg is one rep. So, left leg lunge, right leg lunge = two lunges
Pro tip: Keep your weight through your heels and at the bottom of the lunge ensure your knee does not go past your toes.

2-leg bridge
No options on this exercise for the moment.
Pro tip: Push up through your heels and squeeze your glutes at the top of the exercise. For maximum effect, hover your butt an inch or so off the ground on the downward portion of the exercise.

Pick any type of burpee you like! I’ve gone with a regular one for the purposes of the demonstration, but feel free to add a push-up, chest-to-floor or any variation you like!

As with the abs challenge, every Monday (starting today!) I’m going to post the weekly challenge on Facebook, so it’ll help if you have ‘liked’ my page (you can do it here). You’ll be committing to five days of work per week, but in the beginning it should only take you a couple of minutes per day to complete. And don’t be concerned if you haven’t done any exercise in a while – the challenge has been designed to be adaptable!

These exercises are primarily designed to strengthen your glutes, hamstrings and quads, but will also help to improve your core and are great calorie-burners due to the number of muscle groups involved. I’m going to take a photo before I start the challenge, and another when it’s over. It’s obviously completely up to you, but I’d suggest you do the same. It’ll be nice to have a little proof that all your hard work has paid off. On that note, I want to mention one very important thing – this challenge should be combined with a good diet for best results.

Wanna go all out? Why not start the LGF 28-Day Abs Challenge today too?



*As always, you should consult your doctor before commencing a new exercise regime.