Sign Up for the LGF 8-Week Spring Challenge



(new clients only)

The countdown is on to the next Lazy Girl Fitness 8-Week Challenge, so if you’ve been thinking about stepping up your training, this is the way to do it. [Read more…]

Five Ways to Make This Week a Good One

No matter how much you love your job, chances are that Sunday night brings about a touch of melancholy. Do yourself a favour and make this week a good one by implementing these five simple tips. [Read more…]

12 Days of Christmas Cumulative Workout – starts tomorrow

LGF_12 Days
Happy Friday Team!

The countdown to Christmas is well and truly on (YAY!) so starting tomorrow I’ll be posting a new mini workout each day. The workout is cumulative (just like the song), so by Day 12 – which also happens to be Christmas Eve – you’ll get a killer workout that’s sure to alleviate any pudding-associated guilt. [Read more…]

Advanced Workout 1


So we’re less than three weeks from Christmas, and – if you’re anything like me – that means you’re out a little more, drinking more, eating differently and just generally not in your usual routine. That’s ok though – you need to have a little fun in your life (or even a lot!), it just means you might need to work a little harder in the gym for the next couple of weeks to keep that balance.

From now until Christmas, I’m going to post an ‘advanced’ workout each Sunday night. That’s three workouts designed to challenge you, make you sweat and burn some of those pesky extra calories.

These workouts are not for beginners though, nope nope nope. So as always, consult your doctor if you’re unsure whether they are suitable for you.

Here’s number 1, give it a whirl and let me know what you think!


6-Week Challenge – TWO SPOTS LEFT + Exciting New Prizes

two spots left

Hi Team!

Just a quick note to let you know that I am alive and well, and to apologise for my extreme slackness in the blogging department of late. I have been madly writing the eBook and planning sessions for my Six-Week Challenge, which kicks off NEXT MONDAY, 3rd NOVEMBER!  [Read more…]

The LGF ‘Get Set for Summer’ Six-Week Challenge is ON.


BIG news Team.


I am excited to announce that the Lazy Girl Fitness ‘Get Set for Summer’ Six Week Challenge is locked and loaded, ready to kick off on Monday, 3 November. It’s everything you need (and nothing you don’t!) to slide into summer feeling your fittest, healthiest and happiest. And more than that, it’s going to be six weeks of kick-ass FUN. [Read more…]

Eight Bodyweight Burpee Variations

I swear I was heaps dirtier than this photo implies.

I swear I was heaps dirtier than this photo implies.

If there’s one thing I like more than burpees, it’s burpees on the wet ground, in the rain.

That’s a lie. [Read more…]

Wrap Up of the LGF 28-Day Upper Body Challenge

28 days.
960 push-ups.
960 supermans.
960 tricep dips.
7mins 30secs high to low plank.
4mins 10secs air punching.
1min 40secs plank row.

YOU MADE IT! The LGF 28-Day Upper Body Challenge is officially complete.

Print this off and pin it to the mirror in your bedroom!

Print this off and pin it to the mirror in your bedroom!

Apologies for the delay in this post but if, like me, you’re finding it difficult to lift your arms to the keyboard and you feel like you’d rather stab yourself in the eye than do another push up then congratulations, the Challenge was a success! [Read more…]

LGF Upper Body Challenge – Week 4


The end is nigh! Just five more ‘work’ days and you will be able to say that you completed the LGF 28-Day Upper Body Challenge. Or as I like to call it, Hell.

[Read more…]

LGF Upper Body Challenge – Week 2

It’s Monday morning, which can only mean one thing….

Week 2 of the LGF 28-Day Upper Body Challenge starts today!


[Read more…]